Jan 03, 2005 20:43
'I see you're drinking 1%. Do you think you're fat? Cuz you're not. You could drink whole milk.' MWAHAHAHA!!! Can you guess what that's from? (hint: Napolean Dynamite) NAPOLEON DYNAMITE YOU SAY???!! YOU'RE RIIIIIIGHT!!!! GO YOU!
Yes...so Becky is spending the night..again. Except this time I'm not going to enter the same entry twice. Hehehe. We went to the mall where I got an xmas present for Tiffany and a choker for myself and a t-shirt that says 'SQUEE!' on it and some jeans. And Becky got some sh*t (she says stuff. she's afraid of cursewords). We watched Napoleon Dynamite tonight because everyone at school was quoting it and it was pissing me off because I hadn't seen it. Becky thinks I'm following the crowd...hm...she's stupid. We made a quick trip to Speedway because we were craving chips and we got some Sobe. Then we watched an episode of Invader Zim. RIDE THE PIG!! And then we took out this $1 bill I had that she took from me and went to wheregeorge.com to see where it had been. It sucked because we were only the 2nd place it had been. ARGH!! Hehe..I'm a pirate.
Yes. We had at lunch today talking about God and Hell and putting icy-hot on someone's dildo. Hm...ya. That's Tyler's fault. He's weird.
I have weird friends. MEH!
School sucked today. O well.