Title Slipped a River of Pity
Characters Dean, OC - well, sort of...
Warnings Unbetaed; spoilers through 5.14
Length Approximately 300 words
Author's Notes A coda to 5.14, this stems from my dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the way the show's mythology is unfolding. ETA: Additional notes follow the ficlet. Meta.
Summary Dean's prayer is
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- But I hope that I'm able to watch "My Bloody Valentine" tonight; and this should blow the dust away...^^
Have fun tonight! *hugs*
Thank you for helping me with this... I second you thoroughly:
"Where are the women?... And what do we have now? Only one female angel - who was so freaking drippy from the start - who turned out to be a foe to be slain."
- Exactly. About time for The Great Mother to make a visit; there's alot to clean up, here...
*nods firmly*
"Women can have power without it being evil, Show."
- Yep, let's tell them, my darling!!^^
*Big Valentine-hug*
P.S. Have you ever seen "CHARMED"? with the Haliwell-sisters?
P.P.S. Umm... if YOU are interested... actually I'm working on our 2010's FASHINGS-/CARNEVALS-Parade and if you want to see your costume, my sweet one, then let me invite you to my LJ the upcomming Monday, what is called ROSE- MONDAY along the Rhine and in the whole Southern Germany.
Yep, let's tell them, my darling!
I'm trying to! Hee! I'm glad that you found my notes interesting - thanks, sweetie.
How was the movie? I haven't seen it. I have seen "Charmed", but I could never get into it. Maybe it's worth another try?
I will definitely come to your Rose Monday celebration. And do I really get a costume? Woo-hoo! *more hugs*
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