I finished my
pbfic_exchange2 story! On time! Phew. Writing this one was like pulling teeth.
wanton_erato had to hold my hand the entire way. Thanks to her, it ended up turning out well, and in the end I'm quite pleased with it. Thank you, darling!
In other news, I'm polishing my second Supernatural fic - for
spn_rainyday, finally! - and I must warn you who might be inclined to read it: It's crack. And Gen. It has no smut and no sex and no kink. I know! I'm dumbfounded as well. It's a strange fic for me because it just came so easily and was very fun to write, which is unusual for me. And it's quite heavy on the dialogue. It never occurred to me with Michael/Lincoln that I liked writing dialogue, I assume because Lincoln is so taciturn and Michael so reserved. But Sam and Dean are too much fun.
I've written three stories so far this year, and it's still January. I know that might not seem like much to most people, but for me it's a major accomplishment. I'm feeling pretty good right now about the whole fic thing. But now I wonder, what's next? I need to revisit old story ideas.
I've been struggling with keeping up with LJ. I am so behind on my reading that I finally made a list of fics I've missed. And people keep posting more! The past few days have been crazy. It's a good problem, though - it would be much worse if I ran out of fics to read. I shudder at the thought.
So, how are you all doing?