Jun 22, 2003 14:55
Friday night started out with the washer overflowing the sink situated to catch the draining water. this created a mess that I am still ignoring. a puddle surrounding the dirty clothes mess that has taken near permanent residence in front of said sink creating a great "basement" smell and, certainly, a heavy dose of mold and a perfect stomping ground for spiders and insects from many strata and sub-species.
after standing dumbfounded in front of the basement lake, I thought it might be a good call to remove the clog in the sink. plunging my hand into the cold dirty grey water I found the drain obstruction and pulled it out. in my hand I found a drenched note I had written a few weeks early in pencil, in a small notebook that gets into my back pocket often. the note read, in full, barely readable on dyed grey paper:
"Automatic witting experiment at age 14 yielded a negative result. A data set that, much to my dismay, still cannot be adequately graphed."
this note hardly seems worth all the trouble it caused, as I have no clue what I was talking about. I have since transcribed it twice, once here and once in another notebook, to make sure I don't forget to remember what I was remembering when I wrote the note that later I forgot. this seems less and less important.
fast-forward---> hours later I am in a bar called "Chicago At Night" I think, or maybe "Chicago Nights" either way, it is chalk-full of people that think speaking english is strange. they look at me and my companions often. we are here because of one said companions has an almost but yet to be announced fetish for polish girls. which, to tell you the truth I find strange. well, I guess he does not JUST admire polish women he DOES admire other women, but he seems likes to go where the polish ones are. our waitress smelled nice. all the girls there are talking the idea of "hip huggers" or "low-cut" or whatever jeans ag-u-leer-a is wearing, to the most extreme angle I have seen yet. some of them, I swear, had pants that started mid-thigh, inches above the knee. full pelvis exposed, a strange visible g-string contraption.
the conversation turned to the mechanisms of genocide. the 2 things were not related. I'll save the details of the genocide conversation for one-on-one, mono-e-mono, conversation, for this is not a good forum for that. well this might not be a good forum at all. it is more like talking to yourself on a subway.
again we move ahead. Tony and I end up on the bare concrete floor of a condo-tower being built near my house. we break in thru a chain-link fence and just sit down. it stays that way for while.
soon after I am driving back from dropping Tony off at home. many many deer cross my path as well a raccoon that stops in front of my car to toy with something he has captured. garbage I am sure. I came to a full stop and honked horn, only then did he move.
later I went to sleep, but only after tolerating the first 20 minutes of Waking Life. which, I must say is a gross display of ideas that each, to its own merit, deserves a full animated movie. from what I saw, which as I said was only 20 minutes, it was like sound bites from 30 years of tape recordings made in a coffee house where people not so smart were talking to people that were way too smart, all atop animation that was near nauseating. in many ways a gross display. I bet when I see it all I will like it.
bang, bang, bang. it is getting hot and I am getting upset about it.