May 21, 2003 22:23
last cigarette: 5 years ago.
last kiss: my dog licked my cheek today.
last good cry: last night.
last library book checked out: I don’t remember.
last movie seen: natural born killers.
last book read: “between memory and desire.” It’s a book on the middle east.
last cuss word uttered: fuck or shit probably.
last beverage drank: diet caffeine free coke.
last food consumed: pizza.
last crush: gothic & Lolita model girl from my G & L bible.
last phone call: phones are dumb.
last tv show watched: not really a show, but the giants/diamondbacks game.
last time showered: 2 seconds ago.
last shoes worn: pink slippers.
last cd played: I don’t remember…I’m listening to dj krush on mp3 currently.
last item bought: M.A.C. eyeshadow.
last downloaded: electric eel shock.
last annoyance: my sister leaving her shit on my desk after using the computer.
last disappointment: giants kicking the diamondbacks ass.
last soda drank: diet caffeine free coke.
last thing written: children’s tale incorporating the theme of euthanasia…
last key used: the one to the mail box.
last word spoken: “…”
last sleep: 4:30 am til 4:30 pm.
last im: rick.
last sexual fantasy: durrrr….
last weird encounter: I don’t remember.
last ice cream eaten: moosetracks. Chocolate ice cream with fudge tracks and mini peanut butter cups.
last time amused: hmmmmm.
last time wanting to die: how about last time wanting to sleep for a really long time?
last time in love: I love my sammy.
last time hugged: I think I hugged my mom last night.
last time scolded: yesterday.
last time resentful: probably yesterday, maybe today.
last chair sat in: computer chair.
last lipstick used: M.A.C. “rocker”
last underwear worn: erm. I don’t really wear those.
last bra worn: it’s black and velvety.
last shirt worn: brown hookups shirt.
last time dancing: hahaha. Uhhh.
last show attended: I don’t attend shows.
last webpage visited: