Nov 30, 2004 02:23
So here I am in the middle of the night, awake as usual, I haven't been able sleep at night since Jared has been working thirds. At least if I have to be awake I having trying to make good use of my time. I have been trying to clean something every night. So far tonight I have done the dishes and I will be moving on to the bathroom next. I have also been trying to workout a little. I started doing yoga Saturday, my muscles still ache, but I still manged to do this other workout for a while tonight. I don't want to overdo it since it has been so long since I have really worked out, but I also want to make sure I do something everyday. I was informed the other day by greg(morphic's drummer) that I have to make a christmas card again this year. Aparently, he still has the card I made last year taped to his fridge. Now I am no artist, but we share the same sense of humor. My job is having a christmas party this year, of course jared has to work, so I think I am going to take April as my date. A lot of the people there already know her, and it will give those who don't another reason not to like me or to be scared of me. I made one of the hostess' cry the other night. I wanted to punch her but I don't think I would have a job. First, to me hostess' should be attractive, they are the first thing you see when you walk in a restuarant, but this one looks like a little boy. She is seudo christian, she likes to claim to be christian and preach to people, but she doesn't really live up to her "ideals". So anyway, on Saturday nights I bus, for the first two hours I am by myself then another busser comes in and we work together. So for the first two hours, this hostess did nothing to help me(they are supposed to) she would go find a dirty table then come find me to tell me to clean it, but she wouldn't help clean it off herself. This went on for about an hour and a half. Then I was at dish tank and she came back with some dishes and it confused me a bit until I was told that she has a crush on the waiter who's table she was cleaning. Then when the other busser came in she followed him around and helped him. So at this point I am really pissed off, it seems that if I were a penis owner I could get some help, but alas I own a vagina. So to the point...making her cry. All I said was that she needed to get some dick so she would stap chasing every guy around because it is really pathetic, and she goes running to the manager crying. he came to me I told him the situation and basically he said if she continues to do that to let him know and he ended the conversation by saying that she is mentally instable. I think it is funny that she got that upset over something someone said, but then it pisses me off that I get dragged down to that level, because the people there are not prepared for how hostile I am. I know that I have a lot of anger, which is why I usually just say what I think, I don't want to let it build up and take it out on someone I care about. Or beat someone up again. I remember how good it felt afterward, how relaxed I felt. It was like this huge weight had been lifted. I think I am better off just being bitchy to people who deserve it. Well, that is all for tonight...