cut your finger on the edge, cause it was sharper than they told you

Dec 15, 2003 18:58

take a leap from out the window, cause its way to far to go through the door.

can i learn what variety is? haha now that ive remebered that i bruned and have the brand new cd i have been listening to it. its very good.

yeh anyways im am seriosuyl bored. i have nothign to do. especially because my father is an ass and randomly decides that i cant do anythgin and he does want anyone here. aka corey. i hate him. a lot. i then told him that i was glad i was going to have such a productive night sittign in front of the tv and computer. and promptly put away my homework. and that brings us to noow.

oh good news friends. i talekd to my mother about getting my licese today. and she was liek yeh soon. but she was liek yeh i dotn see the point of payign for u to drive when u wont really be able to bc we onyl have two cars. so once we get the passat back, i will get my license, and basically be able to use the honda as i desire. and i onyl have to pay for half of my insuracen. or soemthign along those lines. which isnt bad. soo..yay! haha.

well that was rambling abotu borign things soo..later friends

ps carla. excusably pessimistic
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