Turtle Wax

Oct 06, 2006 01:59

Three weeks ago, in a fit of rage, I overturned a tool shed. Underneath I found two dead racoons, each with their teeth locked around the others throat. They had apparently fought eachother to death underneath the tool shed. The sight of their lifeless bodies caused my anger to leave me, to be replace with an overwhelming glee and a strong desire to mount them and place them outside my abode as a warnign to all other racoons that coming anywhere near my property would cause them to turn viciously on each other. It made sense to me at the time.

"In the spaces of calm almost lost in what followed, the question of why tended to surface. Why them? There was an easy answer that had to do with Ysanne beside her lake, but that didn't really address the deepest question. Kimberly, white-haired, would say when asked that she could sense a glimmered pattern when she looked back, but one need not be a Seer to use hindsight on the warp and weft of the Tapestry, and Kim, in any event, was a special case."

Sparse brown grass covered the mound of earth they were climbing. With an almsot comical ease Travis scrambled over the top and reached back to give a hand to the struglling man behind him. Steven panted with exersion as he stepped onto the flat wooden walkway that wound out from that spot and looked at his tall friend in amazement. It had been 2 days since they last ate. Hours since that last drink at the river below, yet Travis looked like he had just woken from a long and satisfying nap. For a second Steve toyed with commenting, but knew for past experience that it would only bring a non-commital sound from his awe-inspiring companion, so, with a grunt of effort, he lifted his left foot and began to walk along their path. Travis, grinning, followed him.

Two days later Travis was dead.

He was shot by a beaver with an AK-47.

Animals will not stand for inhuman abilities. Thats why the squirrels took down Superman. Stupid squirrels.
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