Memes, Chris's and cybergoggles!

Sep 24, 2007 22:05

This meme made me laugh. A lot!

The past week has been pretty amazing for the most part.

One evening, Fred, Ray and I were Tumble-tossing down Ray’s street (which is a main road), with people in cars staring

I spent all of Wednesday talking in Irish accents along with Kat and Amy and insisting that ‘I am a giant, sexy, potato’ and wearing a sign, to announce it

Chris’s party was… of debatable quality. I enjoyed some bits of it immensely… others a lot less. It was a dark and light theme and Rhys, Ray and I decided to Cyber Goth it up. We all had falls and goggles and glo-stick jewelry and extravagant make-up… and looked pretty damn amazing, even if I do say so myself. Robert looked incredibly shocked and confused when he came home! On the way to the car to get a lift there, we ran into my incredibly moody, prudish neighbors, who gave us the most priceless looks I have ever seen in my life. And people we drove past started incredulously. It amused the hell out of me.
A lot of people were already pretty drunk by the time we got there. We played I’d never and squealed lots over what people said. Rhys, Ray and I stood in the bath, screaming the lyrics to ‘Liar’ at the top of our lungs, me doing the full Emilie-growl. Rhys and I snuck out and hid from Sarah and Lisa behind a car. I cooked pasta for drunk people and yelled at the Chinese take-away delivery people. I goth-danced and taught other people how to do it too. And then jumped around the living room to The Rasmus, feeling like I was about 13 again.
Rhys is amazing drunk. Sober, he doesn’t really do feelings. Tell him you love him, and he’ll say ‘Ew, no!’, or try and hug him, and he’ll push you off, saying ‘Ew, girls!’ But drunk, he’s capable of showing affection, telling you he cares and, although we know he does, it’s nice to get a glimpse of it now and again.
Things went rather downhill, though. Chris was passed out for the majority of his own party. Sophie was stupidly drunk. She threw up all over my arms, Chris’ bed and carpet. I then spent half the night scrubbing vomit off the floors and checking people didn’t choke to death on their own sick. Ray got upset. There was drama. The sober people were none too happy about having to look after the drunk people and a bench got broke.
Eventually, at 2 am, I crawled into bed with Rhys and Ray. Rhys was still in affectionate mode, and it was really nice just being close to the both of them. I couldn’t help but get the giggles, though - we were sleeping in Chris’s parent’s bed and there was a glow-in-the-dark constellation on the roof. It was pretty, but incredibly gay.
I got up at 6 to get ready for work. It was around then that Rhys woke up with the most amazing hangover. He was all white and shaking and it was really rather sweet.
I played Harry Potter cards in the kitchen with Harri and made about 20 cups of tea and coffee for people. Then Megan drove me to work.

Here’s Rhys as a drunken cyber Zombie… thing:

And me as a green cyber Goth!:

Work Saturday was doubly hilarious as I was sleep-deprived and also starting to come down with something. We have this amazing Frankenstein outfit. It’s inflatable and just gigantic. Adam went inside it first and then Sarah. They’d stand very still by the door and then moved suddenly. It was so funny, watching guys thinking they were all tough jumping out of their skins. The world and his wife seemed to come in to see me. I never knew I knew so many people! There was also a highly amusing moment when I was getting stuff out of the locker and a box of fairy lights fell on my head!

Today was a really amazing day, considering I had lessons all day. I’d left my goggles at Chris’s, so he brought them into school. I had them on my head and Mr./ Sanger asked what I was doing and then put them on over his eyes. It made my day! He was stumbling around the classroom, clinging to the bookcase, looking remarkably like Willy Wonka! Mr. Lewis also tried them on too and promised me I can take a photo!

I forgot to sign my timesheet at work, so Adam called me in. Cordelia and UI went into superdrug to ask this guy who’s been in like, 4 times, his name, for Adam. Then, we asked him if he had a boyfriend. It was brilliant!

However, now I'm really rather ill. I feel ok I'm coughing up blood again >.< I won't bother doing anything for the time being, as last time, the doctor told me I'd just coughed too hard... a week later my mum put me on antibiotics. But I'll just see how it goes. Maybe I have the consuption... how many Goth Points is that worth?

I’m sure lots more has happened… but I can’t remember it right now and have two essays to do… so I’d best be off!
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