Kinda Sad

May 26, 2015 16:08

Today would have marked 25 years of marriage for Eeyore and myself. I am sad even though I don't want him back. I am just sad that he refused to even try to join me in fixing our problems when I asked him to do so. I am sad that he felt an ultimatum that I promise to stay with him no matter what happened was the only term he would even begin to work with me on. I am sad that the previous sentence was not well written. I am sad that I couldn't just lie and make that promise to Eeyore even though I knew it would never be true. I'm sad that I feel as if I will be on the brink of poverty for the rest of my life because I left the ass-hole. I'm sad about thinking what I would be like if I had stayed with him. I'm just sad today. Tomorrow should be better, but today, I will be sad. Except that I have a tentative "date" with my FWB and he and I always have fun when we can manage to get together. :p I am still Dexy. Even when I'm a bit sad. :)
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