Oct 05, 2005 15:42
TEN Random Things About Me
10. I own at ping-pong
09. I spell it "booby"
08. Half of my t-shirts were free
07. I am getting random phone calls from Oriental people wanting money for something-i can't figure it out because they can't speak English
06. Robinson Cano is my homeboy
05. I currently have two Live Journals going
04. I can fart with my chest
03. I am strangely addictied to Smallville and Kristin Kreuk
02. I have a recurring dream about turning into a typewriter
01. I compulsively crack my knuckles
NINE Places I've Visited
09. Hawaii
08. Alaska
07. Spain
06. England
05. Germany
04. Switzerland
03. Canada
02. Belize
01. Bermuda (cause i won't say france)
EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
08. Be in love, and be loved back
07. Go to a Yankees World Series game
06. Visit every baseball park in America
05. Become either a sportswriter or host my own radio show
04. Have a family
03. Visit Africa
02. Work with youth
01. Make a difference
SEVEN Ways to win my heart
07. Caring about me
06. Your attention
05. Understanding my problems
04. Having a great sense of humour
03. The ability to laugh at yourself
02. respecting my beliefs and standing up for yours
01. being yourself
SIX Things I believe in
06. God is the only way
05. perserverance
04. If you live in America, you damn better speak English
03. trusting your friends
02. respecting yourself
01. love conquers all
FIVE Things I'm afraid of
05. Losing a job I may get
04. Failure
03. Death
02. Losing loved ones
01. Being alone
FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom:
04. The food
03. My bed
02. Laptop
01. Picture of friends back home
THREE things I do everyday
03. Study
02. Watch TV
01. Work
TWO Things I am trying not to do right now:
02. Eat too unhealthy
01. Slack on quiet time
ONE Person I want to see right now:
01. T-Rice
Last kiss: Sunday, after our softball game
Last cry: I can't even remember
Last library book checked out: A World of Freudian Ideaology and Theory
Last movie seen: 40-year old virgin
Last book read: see 2 above
Last cuss word uttered: shit, probably
Last beverage drunk: Fanta
Last food consumed: Ravioli
Last mango: no mango for me
Last phone call: to Oma
actual call: trying to find where in hell Logan had got off to (bathroom, oops)
important call: something about my bank stuff
Last TV show watched: Futurama
Last time showered: today, around 8:15 am
Last shoes worn: My ADIDAS
Last cd played: I no longer play CDs
Last item bought: food at Shnucks
Last soda drunk: Fanta
Last thing written: English microtheme #2
Last key used: room key
Last word spoken: "later"
Last sleep: nap after mythology
Last IM: Putnam, Juliane, and Ellen
Last ice cream eaten: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Last time wanting to die: hmm...i don't believe i know the feeling
Last lipstick used: i'm a guy
Last time dancing: ATO Party
I HURT: my ankle playing softball last week
I LOVE: all my friends and family
I HATE: people who live in the US and complain about it...if you don't like it here, go back to your own fucking country
I FEAR: failure
I HOPE: to be successful
I FEEL: full
I HIDE: my secret identity
I MISS: all my friends from ATL
I NEED: more money
I THINK: deep, and frequently
Current music: Casting Crowns
Current hair: probably longer than it needs to be
Current thing I should be doing: studying for myth class
Current desktop picture: Kristin Kreuk, can a get an amen that she's hot?
How many fillings do you have?: one
Do you think you're good looking?: yeah...i'm not too hard on the eyes
Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?:yes
Do you look like any celebrities?: no, not really
1.What is your full name? Nathaniel Grant Ballance
2.Nicknames? G-Nat, Nate, Nathan, Thaniel, Nate-Dawg
3. B-day: August 28, 1987
4. Age: 8
5. Sex: male
6. Social Security: XXX-XX-XXXX
7. Where do you live? Missouri
8. What school do you attend? MIZZOU!
11. Righty or Lefty: Righty (hand-edly and politically)
9. Siblings and their ages?:One
10. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
*********YOUR LOOKS*********
12. Haircolor: light brown
13. Height: 6'0
14. Do u wear contacts or glasses? i prefer contacts
15. Do you have any piercings? 0
16. Where do you want more? nowhere...I like the number of holes on my body to stay the same
17. Do you have a tattoo? no
18. If so what and where? see above
19. Do you wear any rings? no
20. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? i enjoy dressing nicely, button down or polo shirts, but i can go out in shorts and a tee anytime
**********JUST LATELY***************
21. How are you today? doing well, a little tired, hungary, but overall, good
22. What pants are you wearing right now? AE khaki shorts
23. What shirt are you wearing right now? Grey Mizzou tee
24. What does your hair look like at the moment? pushed back in the front (i was wearing a hat)
26. What song are you listening to right now? none
27. What was the last thing you ate? Ravioli
28. How is the weather right now? comfortable.
29. Last person you talked to on the phone? Oma
30. Last Dream you can remember: i'm not sure
31. Who are you talking to right now? Ellen and Putnam and Darkie
************MORE ABOUT YOU****************
32. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 0219
33. If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be? navy blue
34. Have you ever almost died? no
34. (hehe look there's 2 #34's) What makes you laugh? random comments from friends
36. (and no 35) What religion/denomination are you? Baptist
37. What's the best advice ever given to you? Focus on what you need to do
38. Have u ever won any special awards? Most memorably, Star Camper at senior Rutledge
39. What are your future goals? Journalist
40. Do you like to slow dance? only with girls i like (and occasionally T-Rice, but that was once!)
41. What's one of the stupidest thing u ever done? sent cj's card without a stamp
42. What's your favorite memory? Rutledge...any year, doesn't matter
43. change one thing about yourself: my bum ankle
44. How many kids do you want to have? 2 or 3
45. Sons names? Michael, beyond that, who knows?
46. Daughter's names? Lainee, Sabra
47. Do you do drugs? no
48. What kind of shampoo and conditioner: Suave 2-in-1
49. What sport do you hate the most to play? I don't-i love all sports
50. What are you most scared of? death, failure
51. How many TV's do you have in your house? my dorm room? 1
52. Do you have your own TV? yes
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? not anymore.
54. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone? no fractures...but an odd ligament injury
55. Who do you dream about? girls normally...and any guy who puts something other than girls here is lying
56. Who do you tell your dreams to? whoever is in them
57. Who's the loudest friend you have? Icee
58. Quietest Friend? Olejnik
59. Who's the funniest friend? Putnam
60. Who's the weirdest friend? Josh
61. Who's your favorite friend to talk to online? Well, since T-Rice is never online i can't award him this one, so...putnam
62. Is cheerleading a sport? no
63. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? 59
64. Which came first the chicken or the egg? the frying pan to cook both
65. What vehicle do you wish to have? Mustang GT
66. How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: 31 that are on, 44 that are away
******YOU & LOVE*******************
67. Do you believe in Love? Yes
68. Do you have a crush? not now
69. Who is your crush? when i get a crush, i'll let you know
70. Do you believe in love at first sight? no, i do not
71. Where do you want to get married? Seriously? Yankee Stadium, but it'll never happen
72. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? A damn cruise in the Bahamas, to Atlantis then cruise back
73. What is the most important thing he/she has? A devotion to me and vice versa
74. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? smile
75. Longest crush: probably about 2 months, then it wore off
76. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? riiiighhttt...i'm 18, i'll let you know in like, 6-8 years
****ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)****
79.Curly or straight hair:
80. Dark or light hair:
81. Tall or short:
82. Six pack or muscular arms:
83. Good or bad guys?
84. Hat or no hat:
85. Ears pierced or not:
86. Tan or no tan:
87. Totally shy, or octopus arms?
88. Stubble or neatly shaved?
89. Rugged or sporty?
90. Studly or cutie:
91. Accent or not:
92. Glasses?
93. Smart or dumb?
94. What sport should he play?
95. Dependent (whipped) or independent:
****ON GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT (for guys only)***
96. Sandals or thongs? thongs
97. Painted nails or not: not
98. Dark or blonde hair: both
99. Long or short hair: to the shoulders
100. Curly or straight hair: straight
101. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: dark
102. Long or short nails: not past the end of the finger
103. Hat or no hat?: no hat
104. Good or bad girl: good girl, with a hint of bad
105. Hair up or down: down
106. Jewelry or none: defiantly a necklace, maybe a ring, but not like, 6 rings
108. Accent or no accent: no accent at all
109. Pants or dress: dress
110. Tan or fair:a light tan
111. Glasses: no
112. Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: happy medium of the two
113. Freckles or none: you can't control that...so why should that matter
114. Shy or outgoing: outgoing
115. Funny or always cool: funny
116. Talkative or shy: talkative, i have to have someone to talk to
*****Pick One: THIS OR THAT***********
117. Lights on/off: off
118. Sun or rain? sun
119. email or snail mail? e-mail
120. Do u like scary or happy movies better? scary movies in the right company
121. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC?: neither
122. On the phone or in person? in person
123. Paper or plastic? paper
124. Sausage or pepperoni?: pepperoni
125. Summer or winter? summer (winter=no baseball)
126. Hugs or kisses? kisses
127. Chocolate or white milk? skim milk
128. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? oooo, hard choice but i'll go Dr. Pepper
130. CD or Tape: CD
131. Tape or DVD? DVD
132. Cats or Dogs? Dogs
133. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O wrestling, you can't eat the mud off the girls
134. Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
137. Cake or pie: cake, if it's ice cream cake
138. Diamond or pearl: Diamond
139. Sunset or sunrise: sunrise
****************YOUR FAVS*******************
140. Color: blue
141. food: hot dogs
142. Fast Food: BK Value Meal
143. Candy: Chewy Runts
144. Beverage: Skim Milk
145. Ice Cream Flavor: CCCD
146. Sport: baseball
147. Sports team: New York Yankees
148. Animal: dog
149. type of music? Christian
150. movies? Gladiator, Glory
151. Song: Watch the Lamb
152. group: Casting Crowns
153. number: 21
154. Actor or Actress? actress
155. day of the year? July 4th
156. month? October
157. TV show? Smallville
158. Store: American Eagle
159. Scent: Curve
160. Board Game: Taboo?
***********HAVE YOU EVER********
161. Dated someone for money/things? no
162. Loved someone so much it made you cry? no
163. Drank? yes
164. Been kissed? yes
165. Ever gotten dumped? yes
166. Broke the law? no
167. Ran from the cops? no
168. Stole something? yes
169. Tried to kill yourself? no
170. Made yourself throw up? no
171. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no
172. Given anyone a bath? no
173. Bungee jumped? no
174. Went skinny dipping? yes
*********** What Comes to Mind ***************
175. Water: lake
176. Blue: yankee blue
177. Rock: ouch
178. Cat: pussy, pussy, pussy!
179. Red: run it!
180. Cow: Cocoa Moo
181. Socks: who needs 'em?
********* What's Worse? **************
182. Barfing on your date or your date barfing on you? me barfing on her
183. Being stranded on a deserted island with no one, or being stranded
on a deserted island with someone you hate? someone you hate, eventually you'll pull together, unless it's Piggy, then he'll die
************* A FiNaL NoTe*******************
184. Who would you like to be locked in a room with? Hmmm...this question has the potential to be nasty, so to be safe, I'll say T-Rice
185. Who would you hate being locked in a room with? Icee
186. Do you like filling these out?: kills time
188. Do u want your friends to fill out? yes, or else I do them for nothing...i know about me
189. Who is least likely to read? someone without a livejournal
190. Who is most likely to read? someone with a livejournal who has me on their friends list
191. Any other comments? BOOBY
If I were a month, I would be: October...World Series
If I were a historical person, I would be: Gladiator
If I were a day of the week, I would be: Friday
If I were a time of day, I would be: 7 ET
If I were a planet, I would be: Earth
If I were a sea animal, I would be: dolphin
If I were a direction, I would be: northeast
If I were a piece of furniture, I would be: bed
If I were a liquid, I would be: Dr. Pepper
If I were a stone, I would be: igneous...forged from the very fires of earth
If I were a bird, I would be: Bald Eagle...very patriotic (or a blue-footed booby for obvious reasons)
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: um...weird, but a tree?
If I were a kind of weather: sunny and cool
If I were a mythical creature: hippogriff
If I were a musical instrument: guitar or a trumpet
If I were an animal: Golden Retreiver
If I were a color, I would be: Blue
If I were a vegetable, I would be: beand
If I were an element, I would be: Water or Earth
If I were a song, I would be: Voice of truth
If I were a movie, my soundtrack would be written by: John Williams
If I were a book, I would be written by: Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye
If I were a food, I would be: a HOT DOG
If I were a place, I would be: Long Island, New York
If I were a material, I would be: Cashmere
If I were a scent, I would be: Curve, cause I had it before anyone else
If I were a body part, I would be: a torso
If I were a subject in school, I would be: English or history
If I were a facial expression, I would be: A smile