Mar 25, 2005 13:01
I don't usually go out of my way to piss people off, but when I accidentally do something that bothers someone, I cherish it as a small victory. So was the case yesterday in art class when this belligerent, Draco Malfoy-esque kid got paint on his Rocawear sweatshirt that his step-mother probably purchased for him in an attempt to make it seem like she was fond of him. Since I had used the yellow paint last, the blame was pinned on me for not wiping off the cap. He yelled at me in what he thought was a threatening tone and even went so far as to call me a slut (because we all know that sluts are the reason people's sweatshirts get defiled). Although it wasn't my fault he was careless with the paint, I smiled the whole time he was bitching and acted like I had done it all on purpose. That boy has some deeply rooted emotional problems and just needs to be held...underwater for a long time.
I got Picaresque on Tuesday! It's beautiful, sweetly beautiful. I never thought I would hear the phrase "old men with limp dicks" in a Decemberists song. If only my computer wasn't a piece of shit, I could watch the Sixteen Military Wives video. Specs tells me it's fantastic. The tickets for their concert came in the mail the other day. I hugged them tightly for several minutes. I really hope Chelsea and Specs can go; it just wouldn't be the same without them.