(no subject)

Mar 12, 2007 14:03

so i really want to keep the hawk until im 21 so i can rock it in bars all across america (well, new york) and not have a care in the world. but that is so many months away (less than 3, so not, in fact, all that many) and its getting so long and hard to hawk that its making me anxious to chop it all off. only good thing is that the sides are still wicked short so im definitely going to wait a little while until they grow out so im not a hipster/lesbian all over again this summer. 
(im really glad that the mohawk is the only thing i have to worry about. haha)

i was being so productive and now im not at all and i dont like it.
granted, it is spring break so im not really supposed to be productive. but i want to get ahead and not have to worry about shit and be all stressed out about work once i go back to school.

i also need to go ahead and find more internships to apply for. i heard back from another place and hopefully they will be calling this week to set up an interview. i kind of just want to half-heartedly apply at places in hopes that come april i can call blackheart records and set up and interview and blow them away and get hired! but, wishful thinking gets people nowhere and i need to remember this.

i went to work super fucking hungover on friday and wanted to shoot myself. while in the library, one of them commented on the fact that it looked like i hadnt gotten much sleep. to which i said, yes, you're right. im pretty tired right now and im not in the mood for any of your games. it was the first day they have ever listened to me. which was sort of amazing, but also pretty sad that being tired and hungover is the only way i can be strict enough to get them to do work. ha.

i want summer!
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