I'm Bored can ya tell ???

Jun 09, 2005 11:10

*if you're a girl title this boyfriend application and if you're a boy then title this girlfriend application. repost this and see who's eligible to be your special someone. have fun ( Read more... )

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Amusing, paradox1252003 June 9 2005, 21:06:44 UTC
Basics: I would be your inspiration...

Name: Kris
Age: 26
Location: Taylorsville NC
Height: 5'5
Hair (color and style): Dark brown, growing longer everyday,
Eyes: Auburn, gey with yellow specks,
Piercings/tattoos: pentacle tatoo on my left bicep,


1. Where would we go on dates? We would go to the Highland Games,
see Tori Amos in Concert, have a pic nicn on a mountain top, swim to the ocean floor,

2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists? A Perfect Circle, Tool, Switchfoot,

3. Do you drink/smoke? Carona, Marlboro Reds,

4. Do you like the beach? I plan to live there for a year or two..

5. If so...would you go with me late at night? Only if you promised to still your beating heart for a moment and take in the starry sky above.

6. Do you like movies? I'm rather picky about films, but yes..

7. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night? Perhaps..?

8. If you were to take me out to a movie would we watch the movie? Eternal Sunshine fo the Spotless Mind.

9. If not what would we be doing? Flying a kite on an autumn day, with the scent on bonfires drifting in the breeze..

10. Do you play an instrument? Acoustic Guitar, Keyboards,
11. If so...what?

12. Would you call me right after we saw each other to make sure i made it home alright? Probably, but only if you promised to sneak back over, like Jenny in Forest Gump, if there a bad storm..

13. How would you rate your hugs from 1-10? 3.14*******************

14. Favorite body part on a girl, Depends on the girl, usually I tend to sense people, a lot better than I see then, but even intuition can be blind, so I'd say the eyes.

15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself? I'm not a n arrogant person, therefore, I dont spend a lot of time building mental alters etc, but most importantly I am moving forward, with my life, my mind and my heart.

16. Do you have any reputations (ie: heartbreaker, player, slut)?

I'm sure I have many names, depends of course on who you ask, madman, seer, scientist, fool, its a strange brew..

17. Would you give me kisses just because? I guess so, but only if you asked for them ;)

What would you do if...

I cried: Take a picture, sometimes it only when we fall completely, let our emotions wrench outwardly, that we are truly innocent again, connected so romantically with the us in our heads, then maybe I'd hold you, ramble on about some metaphoric jargon, to distract your worried mind..

I said I liked you: Ask you why, and grin over the confused look on your face..

I kissed you: Cheek or lips..?

I touched your ass: "Tickle your sides till you turned blue"

I was hospitalized: Buy you a bunch of books, you woudlnt have any choice but to read..

I ran away from home: Give you a map and some bus fare, tell you to travel the world, see what there is to see before its too late.

I got in a fight and you were there: Be very surprised, you dont seem confrentational.?

I got dumped: Remind you that change is natural, and that there are billions of people on this swirling sphere, hope that instead of just ebing hurt / pissed, that you'd look at the situation, and try to learn / grow from it.

I pissed you off: Try to be open minded, check to see if whatever you did was justified, communication is most improtant, "cold silence, can atrophy and sense of compassion" Tool..


Re: Amusing, paradox1252003 June 9 2005, 21:07:53 UTC
Second half...

What Do You Think Of My...

Personality: ??
Face: ??
Choice of music:??
Decisions:?? All these are marked the same, we dont know each other very well at all, its why I took this quiz in the first place..

Would You...

Be my friend: Yes,

Tell me the truth no matter what: Always,

Buy me a birthday gift: We'll see..

Lie to make me feel better: Maybe if its just a little white lie,

Spread rumors about me: I dont have time to gossip,

Go out at 4 a.m. to get me chocolate: If you worte me a poem,

Keep a secret if I told you one: Certainly,

Loan me some cash: Yes, but the interest would be high,

Hold my hand: If you would go trick or treating with me,

Keep in touch: I'd do my best,

Make me a snack: Hey I just went and got Chocolate at 4 am remember..

Try and solve my problems: No, your problems are yours, all I could ever do, is show you how I stumbled along the way, and helped as best I could to encourage you in your decisions,

Love me: Love is such a powerful mysterious thing, and like all life, it is variable, in differnt ways etc, I dont think anyone knows such things, its a moment that hits you when the other person is away, or as your walking through a store, and you see something you know they'd love, and it brings a smile to your face to recall the last timne you spent gazing into thier eyes.

Makeout with me: Passion is a lot like love, I try not to get the two confused, or misplaced, the heart should come first.

Hold me in times of need: Yes if the need was great, so long as it didnt shield you from going through something that would have helped you to grow,

Ditch me: I dunno, honestly, I posted an entry tonight, and I fear that by tomorrow few of my "lj Friends will have posted, " a big part of me says, only those who show that they have the desire to love like fire, to live like lightining and laugh like the worst day you ever had, are the ones I want on my lj, so that maybe in the future, we will all benefit from knowing each other..

Use me: Whether we know it or not, we all in different ways use one annother, whether its for comfort, companionship, distraction, hope, etc.. But to answer your Q, no , not intentionally.

Ask me out: Its the traditional role, in our society for males to chase the girls, show up with flowers etc, I'm not saying its not deserved, but simply I am not the usual slobbering caveman, running around with his club etc, letting his mind and his soul be run by simple instincts.

Date me: Your already "dating" someone, now I'm wondering how trustworthy you are.. lol

Have sex with me: A small word, used for such a complex genetically engineered dance. Pleasure is not to be overlooked, nor scoffed at, but you have to understand, that sharing such a beautiful moment with someone else, brings with it, a lot of mitigating cicumstances to weigh. Trust me when I say, it changes things between one annother, and in the end can cloud the original intent, which was to be a friend as well as a lover.

Makeout with me whenever you had the chance: If afterwards you told me three things about yourself you had never told anyone elese before.

Hold me and make my problems go away: As I mentioned above, only you can dissolve the clouds above, the light must come from inside, where it shines in us all, the trick is to do whatever is needed to harness it, project yourself, bare and uninhibited for all the world to see, then no drama / problems can stand agianst you.


Re: Amusing, dead_pink June 10 2005, 09:42:54 UTC
ooo.. u know you want me :-P


Re: Amusing, paradox1252003 June 10 2005, 14:08:37 UTC
Drat, you saw through my ploy, and in record time no less. Keep in mind though, I follow a similiar thought process as the one used in fight club, "you are not a beutiful and unique snowflake, you are not your job, nor the contents of your wallet." Lol, we're all different, what I "want" is someone who brings something to the table, dazzle me with your words, touch my heart with your mind, and the rest will follow, the body can be a nice vessel, but shouldn't we keep in mind that there are billions of people on this planet, These days being "cute" / "hot" just isnt enough I'm afraid, I've tried making myself content to be with a pretty package, but innevitably you understand its not enough to make the experiance worthwhile. We're just two strangers, so for me to say I want you, I'd have to peer inside and see what your made of, determine whether you have what it takes not only to challenge / move me forward, but more importantly that you truly desire to make this life your own, and see that your dreams come true. Its about a persons spirit, who they are, and how passionately do they live, are they on a path of reconstruction / self discovery, or one of habitual protocols. Like I said before I'm certainly not your average bear, but in this world, you'll find very quickly that although it may be much easier / comfortable to follow the crowd, act without thought etc, in the end you might just be dissapointed with the memories you're left with.


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