So, here we go again.
I've been thinking a lot about time travel lately, no connection to the journal title though. I think the answer lies in the simple fact that for most natural motions, it holds true that the said motion occurs from higher to lower potential. Time travel should have nothing to do with attaining a specific velocity, rather with achieving a higher temporal potential, for traveling into the past. For traveling to the future, we would need to reduce the current temporal potential significantly, so that a relatively higher velocity is achieved. It must be said, that you can not "time teleport", according to this theory. You will most certainly have to travel through the time stream, so it would be advisable to do so at an isolated location in space.
Also, on a separate issue pertaining to the same topic, for any travel it has to be assumed that the time stream is forming a perfect loop. However it is better to think of it as an ocean of time fluid, forever in turmoil. To a particle lost to the flows of this ocean, it's journey should most certainly feel one dimensional, and in turn it must view the ocean as a strip. Unfortunately, that is the case for most science, we can only theorize and explain phenomena from the observations we make. If critical information is hidden from us, we are bound to make flawed judgments.
In other news, I'm still pretty sick. It's just a flu/cold/fever though. But it's tiring the hell out of me. To pass the time I've been looking into new music these past few days. Mostly little known female artists, like Emm Gryner, whose music is nowhere to be found; and something that sounds as good as RATM/Audioslave/NIN.... I've been trying to get into comics too. I'm starting with 100 Bullets.
PS1: I'm trying the LJ thing again, on a friend's suggestion. Hopefully I'll keep at it longer this time. If only the journal customization was a little simpler...
PS2: Phoenix recommends ShirusuPad to LJ users for easier on the fly entry writing.