long time no see old friend (lj)

Jun 01, 2007 01:47

i realized that although i still go onto livejournal, i havent made a post in about oh forever

recap of most recent events:
♥ turned 22 [im old]
♥ realized more important shit
♥ grew up
♥ met new people
♥ missed some old people
♥ moved out [like 3 months ago no idea if ive mentioned this]
♥ decided to stop drinking so goddamn much

yea my birthday came and went and as usual my birthday tradition of having something really crappy happen on it stayed true. i got a fucking ticket like in the early early morning of my birthday. so ive come to a resolution: not to go out on my birthday or whatever.

james [baldy] took me out to sushi on thursday night for my birthday the next day which was may 25th....pretty good sushi i must say. then of course did something i probably shouldnt have done so now im all meh about the whole situation and i have no idea what to think of it except i dont give a shit anymore. im done. i give up. i mean seriously....why? why do i try so hard for someone who doesnt even appreciate it. all i am is a toy. im done. never again. so being 22...now i actually feel like i SHOULD act like an adult now that im older and supposedly wiser. i think not. maybe i have no idea.

met new people....met someone potentially awesome. thats all im going to say about that. no jinxing.

and yes i am again getting fatter...so much fatter where its more noticeable yet again...thank you alcohol....so here i go again dieting. wo0t. lets hope its as succesful as it was last time hahaha. im thinking summer before italy ruined my diet. i had lost like 10 pounds then i went to the land of carbs...not that im not grateful but goddamn hahaha oh well....

and yes ladies and gentlemen....i moved out. i moved out before i turned 22. woohoo. i can cross that off my list of things to do. yea pretty monumental. live with two awesome people. i heart them.

so yes...thats whats been going on in my life hahaha <3 like you guys care
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