first few days of 2007

Jan 05, 2007 01:19

whoever told me that the years after high school sort of all just mesh together and form one big blop in your life was absolutely right. everything seems to mesh all together and i have no idea what i did last year or the year before...i cant pinpoint it to the exact date like i can about events that happened during high school. im sitting here wondering why that is...

im supposed to be graduating this year
actually i could graduate this year with a degree in biology
but im choosing a different route in my life.
i am now absolutely sure that medical school is nowhere in my future
i can almost say that with complete certainty.
i wish deciding which path to follow in life was as easy as picking a profession as a kid when a grownup would ask "what do you want to be when you grow up?" turns out life isnt as easy as some people make it seem. if anything its a lot harder. its a lot harder when you see others excelling in something you once excelled in but now are struggling to just keep up. i just have to remind myself to not give up. the worst thing i can do is give up. ive come too far and worked too hard to just give up. now if i could only remind myself of this.

my oh my 2007 how you have snuck up behind me
it feels just like yesterday that i was entering 2003 eager to graduate from high school and eager to go out into the world unknown. so naive and eager to be free not knowing what that freedom entailed. i dont regret anything in the past, i just hope i can learn from my mistakes and take charge of my life and make it work.

im positive and sure that i can. i just cannot waiver in my convictions. i have to keep believing that i will achieve what i have always wanted to achieve.


btw this is what happens when i watch inspirational movies
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