Long time no see... er... read?

Jun 16, 2008 11:52

Yeah, so I haven't posted since february, and I have some spare time before I have to go to work today so I thought I'd put in a post recapping everything since my second post of the year.

Let's see, where to begin.  Firstly I got a job here in town at Sears, been working in the electronics department as no one comes in.  From what I can gather, the amount of people that came to Sears weren't that many.  Now that they've torn down the Commons, I suppose that most of the people who used to come in think we've been knocked down too, or something.  This wouldn't be such a bad thing but I get paid six dollars an hour plus commission for sales, I think anyone can see where that heads.

On the plus side, Laura will find out today if she gets the full time position in Bloomington she's been looking for.  If she does, then I can transfer to the Sears in Bloomington too and we can move in there.  We've found a really nice two story townhouse out there that isn't too expensive.... plus it should have plenty of room in it for all of our stuff.

I've been working a lot on my book.  I've just got a few more sections to write out, then I can type them up, proofread them and then proofread the whole manuscript and I'll be ready to send it off to the publishers.  Hopefully... luckily, I have a few people willing to read it and tell me what they think, something that gives me both excited tingles and deep feelings of dread at the same time, reminiscent of those tingles that happen when your foot falls asleep that soon cross the line into pain when you try to walk around on the thing.  I have yet to feel any discomfort, but it will happen and I gladly welcome it.

Every week I've been going to Karaoke on thursday nights at the Buzz.  It's been great.  Laura and I sing songs (sometimes together) sometimes my dad comes and threatens to obliterate Kyle White (who frequents the bar) and we all have a pretty good time.  Sometimes Mary and Devin come with us and sometimes Annie comes in from Bloomington.  Kellie now comes every week and it's great to see her so often, it's really like old times again.

We survived the flood with no problems at all.  In fact, in a really horrible way, it was kind of fun (I know it wasn't for a lot of people which is why I say kind of) because when 46 flooded, we went out there and joined everyone who was standing in the middle of 46, watching.  We took some pics and dad video taped it, I'll post them as soon as I can figure out how to get them off their respective cameras.

The wedding planning is going really well.  I'm actually getting pretty excited about it.  Even though we're worried about money and all that, it's still something that's going to be really special and I just can't wait.

Um, that's about it really.  Can't wait to get into a new place and have reliable internet.... maybe even one where I could play some games or something.  This slow satellite connection is driving me crazy... oh almost forgot.  My laptop is slowly dieing.... I've had it since freshman year of college.  It's survived several droppings, cigarette burns and numerous power outages and torn cables.  Now the disk drive doesn't work and the little pin in the power hole thingy is loose and only gives power if the cable is in the right position.  Oh well, I suppose its just another thing I'll have to get once we have more money.

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