May 18, 2009 14:15
The Cold
The virus traveled to her blood
after her fingertips brushed the hem
of his coat, he was leaving again
in the middle of the night, the baby
crying, the heat turned off a week ago -
she had collected matches, tried
to empty the throat of the fireplace,
tried to take out the bricks blocking
the chimney with her sewing scissors
and a butter knife so she could pile
a chair or two, perhaps some of his
books, into the fat black mouth
unhinging its jaw like a cartoon snake.
I'll be in Santa Cruz from Wed - Friday!
Doing this:
Poetic Voices Poetry Festival
Kim Addonizio and Christine Hamm
Hosted by: Homestead Review Literary Journal
Type: Music/Arts - Listening Party
Where: Hartnell College, Steinbeck Hall
When: Thursday, May 21 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm