Sep 14, 2007 08:00
So I walk in work today and get to my desk and some fucking whale was in my seat, my chair wont go up now, its stuck in the down position, that fat bitch broke the fucker, I hate fat people. Whatever I switched it out with someone elses lol.
so one week down, 7 more to go.
I really need to focus on not thinking about it because its going to go excrutiatingly long if I do. I already hate the fact I can't be with my girlfriend right now. when I think about it, 7 weeks isn't long really at all if i focus on working and saving. Im prolly going to become a hermit for the month of october, my friend leigh is supposed to visit, but other than that, hermit style. I don't really care to go out and waste money I can use to move. I am going out this weekend though, I'll be in New York saturday and sunday. Ill be in brooklyn. It's my friend kathy's 25th birthday so should be fun, I wasn't going to go, but I said I would so yeah, kinda feel obligated, I dont see them much.
It's already started getting colder, fucking thank god im leaving next month!
The cold is good for a handfull of things and that's it. Smoking bud in the cold is tight, cuddling under massive amounts of blankets, im sure there are a few more but I can't think of any haha.
I'm going to North Carolina at the end of the month! Go see my girlfriend for the weekend and meet her mom n' stuff. Should be fun. Apparently I have a lot of douche bags to show up.
I'm tired as fuck and I want to go back to bed, instead I get to go to a meeting for an hour and a half where I'll probably sleep anyways, peace.