Fat Elephant Gets Treadmill

Sep 14, 2005 19:26

They tell me I'm supposed to care
That what matters to them should matter to me
But who really cares
When a dolphin runs into a ship's properller
The bloody froth of bone a mucus that was a dolphin?

Fuck koalas.....

The other day
My pants were so tight
That I can no longer

Biting is frowned upon
So why does it feel
So good?

If I bit people
I knew
They wouldn't
Take me out into an alley and rip out my earrings and nipple piercings

Some of my piercings
Were a bad idea
The infection
Will kill me in a year
Because the doctors
Can't look at it
Into the orifice

It's possible to sexually harrass
Was there a memo or something?
Totally didn't know that one

That's ok
I didn't really like the zoo anyway

I'm not sure who PETA is
But they're really mad at me
Isn't Pamela Anderson involved with them?
I need Pamela Anderson like I need
A sense of social boundaries

If she had sex with me
I would be
And dehydrated

Do I like guys?????

Seriously, these koalas

If I had to come up with a list
Of my heroes
I'd say
Martin Mo'Fuckin Luther King, Jr.
Napoleon Dynamite

Everyone says seals
Are cute
Maybe that's what
They want you to say
Or what they need you to say

These motherfucking koalas
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