So I had two kidney stones in my RIGHT kidney and one kidney stone in the LEFT kidney.
I also had one kidney stone stuck in my LEFT ureter.
The doctor was suppose to do surgery on my LEFT to remove the stone from my ureter.
But instead he did a surgery on the RIGHT and took one stone out of my RIGHT kidney.
This didn't help me because I am still at risk for ureter rupture on the LEFT.
And I'm still having pain on the LEFT.
My mom signed the consent for a surgery on the LEFT.
I had an BIG X on the LEFT side indicating what side needed surgery.
But no, he did surgery on the RIGHT.
So now I have to get surgery again next week.
But we're going to make sure it's free this time...
Well, that is all.
Here's a picture to help you understand a little better:
I wasn't having any pain on the RIGHT and might have been able to pass the stone without surgery.
So, yeah, I'm pretty upset right now.
And so is my family...