more of the same

Dec 14, 2006 17:49

bryant's birthday is on friday. his dad's christmas party is on saturday. my work's holiday party is on sunday. last weekend, brenna was in the nutcracker ballet so bryant and i went to bako to watch her in that. my grandparents (mckay) were there. the holidays are fun, but they make me tired, and i haven't done any christmas shopping. i suck at this.
every time i see my grandparents, i get scared that it will be the last time. they are in good health for being in their 80s, but i just can't stand the thought that they will be gone someday. it makes me want to move to denver so i can spend every spare moment absorbing their wisdom while i still can.
also, i heard on npr today that the painting THE GROSS CLINIC has been sold to a walmart heiress. this kind of depressed me, but it also reminded me of the best class i took in college (victorian america with martin berger). That made me smile.
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