dumb boys

Dec 10, 2006 00:04

Holy fucking shit balls, i am in la la land..I finally have met someone who can give me butterflies times a million..When he is around im smiling from ear to ear..and i know in the end i will be the one to get hurt, its always the case...This whole jumble of mess me and tony got ourselves into is crazy..Yes we both like eachother and i probably am obsessing over the fact a bit more then he is but fuck...everything would work out if i wasnt so young..he's pretty much 7 yrs older then me but all his friends are even older so like im pretty much a baby and i don't think he likes that idea...he may feel embarassed of how young i am compared to everyone else in his life...fuck why can't anything ever go my way...
Although he did call me last night and it prety much made my life because i needed to talk to someone about shit in my life and he's perfect for that, he has lots of expeirence and gives great advise... im crushing waay waaaaaaaay to hard and i hate it, even though its the only thing keeping me sane and happy the past few weeks..
im so lonely..i NEED this.
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