The classes I took this term have been relatively interesting.
My Latin American Visual Art in the 20th Century course has opened my eyes to art in general. I actually love being able to look at art, identify its author and movement, and take it in. I wish I were able to identify colors a tad better (I'm red-green and some blue color blind), but I enjoy it immensely nonetheless. Furthermore, I realize that much art that I witnessed while traveling this summer and in Argentina fits into the class. It's amazing to see something on the slide that I stood feet away from only months ago.
I would love to study more Art History simply for pleasure, but as it seems, I have neither the time nor the use.
Despite all that, I would love to travel to Mexico to see Rivera's, Siqueiro's, and Orozco's murals. I feel that the prints, as beautiful as they are, do absolutely no justice to the works that are placed on public sites throughout the country. It would be incredible to see Orozco's
Hidalgo mural actually staring down at you from the ceiling or Rivera's
La ofrenda in its three dimensions.
Here are a couple favorites that we have come across (the artists are Cruz Azaceta, Torres García, Segui, Petorutti, Xul Solar, Rivera, and Weston):
My tutorial that I set up on communism has been really interesting as well. I have studied the ideology, structure, economies, leadership, legitimacy, etc of some current communist (as in controlled by a communist party) countries. We studied North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and, to compare it to a classicly failed commuist state, the USSR. I studied China through a class last term. If anyone ever has a question about communism, please ask. I find the ideology and its supposed implementation fascinating. I'm currently writing a paper about how the leadership structure in a communist country directly affects reform in that country and using modern examples.
I find Korea especially interesting. Over the summer I have plans to read about the politics and history of the entire Korean peninsula and maybe a bit more about China. I'm considering teaching English for a year maybe in South Korea, Japan, or Taiwan after I graduate. It's simply a thought. Nothing is definite and I guess I'll see where things develop next year. I guess I'll see if I decide to take Political Science anywhere. It's scary and slightly nice (but more frightening than anything else) to know that I have a plethora of options.
Honestly, until I broke a bone in my foot this term, I really didn't want school to end. I was enjoying my classes thoroughly, had a reasonable workload, and was learning a lot. I feel that's how school should be. Last term was also very good for me, but much higher in stress and workload. The foot thing makes being here annoying and threw my concentration for a whirl.
For those of you at home (if any of you still read this), I will be home maybe June 7-9 before I go up to Door County to work; however, I broke a bone in my foot and am not entirely that mobile. I should also be back for the week of July 4th. We shall see, but I would like to see you.