May 25, 2005 21:35
Hi..........Im at jessicas house and theres a little IM thingy blinking in my eye and i can see it and its yellowish orange and its really annoying because its distracting me from my normal every day writing in this thing even though i never do...ever.
Yeah so how about that Viagra ay,,, ay, cmon, yeah. you like a little abuse
if this was a stupid and ugly contest you would all win .....or lose
whichevers funnier.
(Only a joke that my brother would get)
Hey put skinny back on!
Ummmmm so yeah that carnival was good. Went on some rides that they took a day to put up and hey there was no rain this time. Speaking of no rain how about that acoustic underground. Castellano and Cannon sang there balls off. They can sang. God i miss my music class. But now we have horror class and nick taucher is funny here and there. not really but we all laugh anyway.
Mr laskow claims that he will try and break me and jess apart but i doubt it will ever happen. Thats what you get for not doing your final project aye. Thanks a lot Dick!
Anyway life has been the best it ever could be with my jessica. But theres one negative side to the hole thing.........What the hell happend to family guy on sunday, what the hell is that star wars episode 2 crap, that was the worst episode of family guy ever. It wasnt even funny. But we all know Meg was still neglected from the episode and thats what makes it glorious.
So how about those 35 dollar prom tickets................................................................................... Which brings up the greatest question in the world. Who the fuck in our grade does all this fund raising shit. Does Steve berson randomly just give up money. I mean the kid has a toshiba Television set that he has up in his attic that he hasnt touched and its been sitting there for about 2 years and it cost a shit load of money. I think they might be saving it for a rainy day. Either that or they cashed in on it and now everyone now gets in to prom for cheap.
Dodgeball...What happened to that. Laugh out loud. Well the bottom line is that acoustic underground didnt care. Peace bitches.
Golfballs? boys find it funny girls dont. news at 11
Everything on Ebaumsworld .com is either funny or scary but i have to say Star Wars kid...
Battle of the bands, I love how a total of 2 people and rich porpiglia know about it. Maybe he can outbeat caseys sound techniques.
In creative crafts today were making masks. What the fuck are we 2
My one year anniversary is so next month and im so excited for it. I mean a year. I havent been with anyone for a year. I love her so much :) 6/15/04
Project graduation should be fun i mean the hole purpose is going there for an up all night party and you go and you have fun until the morning and then you get to have breakfast in the morning. The purpose behind the thing is that no one drinks and gets into a car accident but if were up all night and then have to drive home the next morning its kinda like simulating the experience.
I love the forensics script that we have thats probably never going to happen. I could fail this thing and still pass i mean cmon look at my grades for the first three quarters. 99,100,95 oh yeah im destined to fail especially because i was one out of the two that got 100 on the midterm.
Jessicas legs must hurt because im sitting on them.
Alvin is a mad funny person. He and I have the best time in issues because were so fucking nuts.
Beach balls anyone?
If there is one thing i miss the most out of highschool it is definitely stage crew because thats the place where you can just chillout and be you. It was so cool especially back in the days of the fortunato/ James erra. Those times were the good ones.
I love the fact that in my astronomy class. For the first 15 minutes well do nothing. Like seriously nothing. We will walk in through the doors late and mr newburger just marks us late or absent or on time and then people get those little sheets with there grades for the quarter on them and they dont understand why they got a whopping 14 for the quarter.
I type way to fast
Yeah so anyway I love the city. Its so fun especially with me and my brother. I can be myself in the city and no one gives a shit or looks at me wierd because down there its natural to act like a freak with 18 heads. Also in the city on a rainy day the sky will turn yellow and people will poke you with umbrellas at just about eye level. I also saw a guy giving out tickets for some comedy club thing and it came to a cross walk and the hold sign was there telling us not to walk and the guy said really loudly "Everyone stop being the biggest TOOL and take one." Oh man the city is full of wonders. and so is Time Square Toys R us
Make your own tickle me elmo, what could be better.
I threw my friend Julia outside today. It was pretty funny actually, i was working on my essay period one and she hit some sort of switch which turns all the computers in the row off and i was in the middle of a piece i was working on and i didnt save and she just shut it off. She was trying to piss off jordan but she got me aggrivated instead. So I picked her up and put her outside where the doors are locked and there was nothing else my teacher could do but agree with me so she had to walk around. Sucks to be a communist doesnt it julia.