Feb 26, 2005 21:29
Went to go play pool with Chris and Jenny. It was rockin. I am awesome at 8 ball. you know when i dont knock in the 8 ball itself. I went to go play with my sweetie a while ago and i lost twice or three times because i knocked in the 8 ball. Other than that im good though.
Crew was today and im done with my platform and im proud of it. I can't wait until the next crew. It draws closer and closer to show time all the time and it makes me nervous and sweaty and stuff.
Snow storm supposed to be occuring on monday?
Im the only one who doesnt care if it happends?
Does that Issues essay have to be due on Monday or are we starting it on Monday?
Am I wearing pants?
All questions that can be easily answered
I'm really tired. I think I shall play video games for the rest of whatever time I have to be up on this lovely Saturday night.