Horror Movie Time at the Shitgo

May 20, 2009 20:01

So there I was
at Citgo
and it was like, 7:30, maybe
and Katie was with me and it was amazing
and JoeCool came in to buy his Bud and Reds and Milk.
Anyway, his power was out
He left
KC called from Emily's
Their power was out
Ours wasn't
Then out power went out

It has never been this quiet in Citgo, never.
Now we are chillin' and we made a bad ass sign for the door
and its a little after 8 and usually I'd be doing paper work, but not tonight!
Traffic lights are out too so the po po are rollin'

it's good times.

Xombie's will be exiting the color soon and eating what's left of my brain.


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