This was supposed to occur on or around October 27.
TITLE: Crossing Over
dhaunea RATING: PG-13
SUMMARY: Introduction, catastrophe and a slight lateral shift in time and space.
DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy VII is owned by Squaresoft.
SPOILERS: Quite a few for game events, especially where to find one of the optional characters.
LENGTH: 10,278 words in two parts
FEEDBACK: Welcomed, but please be constructive.
For the curious, the official website for this game can be found
here. Crossing Over - Part One Crossing Over - Part Two I'm reminded, yet again, of how difficult it is to introduce an entire cast of secondary characters and a world to people who've never read them. I hope this is clear enough, although as I'm planning on writing more, there are a few things that have been glossed over or left for later explanation.