peewee's playhouse is actually such a good and rude show!!

Sep 04, 2006 17:22

I have not done this thing in so long. because: of school happening and me going places. my p-rents went on a weekend excursion to the dutch for a wedding on wednesday and they got back today. I stayed over a CASA DEL CURRAN's place for when it was school time. we did a lot of, jumping on trampoline and playing with robot things. then i went to my cousin's 7th birthday party, with little kids and a band of like 12-13 year old kids who were pretty good and covered some ordinary classic rock songs. and i jammed with my uncle steve who plays drums and it made me feel good at guitar.
then we went to a redneck fair!!!!! with lots of carnies and hicks and tractor races and dangerous broken looking rides. for some reason when you go upstate-anywhere, the world transforms into redneck crazy town, complete with greasy mullets and bad puns for shop names ("Hairy" Situations was the name of a barber shop???).

yeah, so this is a pretty boring entry. sorry, nothing really interesting has been happening, ive just been hanging out. i've actually been really into eating lately. not sure why, just, when i was on the trampoline with curran he kicked a soccer ball into my nuts and i got really dizzy and also really hungry, for any kind of cookies specifically. and i have been really hungry for anything almost non-stop since then. yeah, so that is happening also. maybe i have DIABEATUS! would that be exciting?

this is too long for it to be a boring entry! you would think i had something interesting to say if i wrote for this long. but i dont. except oh yeah, my birthday is on wednesday. but that's not really interesting. this year i am not excited like all other years for my birthday. im not like a mopey sad guy, i just am not really excited or anxious or anything, it's jsut a day when i turn 15.

ok really, this is much too long. much too much.
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