¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿life on mars??????????????????????? even?

Mar 26, 2006 21:18

alright, so my english teacher sucks cuz shes making me go to this guy mr mattausch every week for my entire lunch period to talk about how to "add routine to my life to make things easier". i had my first encounter with him friday. kids, this guy is rude. i told him the honest answers to all his questions, that i basically just forget to do stuff and sometimes think i hand stuff in when i dont, and he's like alright kiddo cut the crap i know you're making this up. i was like ".................*nothing cuz i was scared of him a little*". so i dont like him at all. and plus i was sick in school friday when i had my first "meeting" with him and i told him that and he didnt believe me he just thought i was spacing out while he was talking but really i was like about to pass out.
so after that, i slept at home for 4 hours and got better sorta just in time to go to the rockhouse, which was really awesome. that guy davie roe played cool acoustic stuff with that lady colleen singing, and then there was a ton of metal bands, and Six7. that man is SO TALL. and i think he remembered me from last concert, cuz when he was doing a huge like sermon of awesome in the middle of one of his songs he walked up to me and basically sang at me. which was cool. yup, and the metal bands were really good, and i moshed a bit, knocked will kresic over sort of by accident/on purpose, nina and ashley moshed, it was all very good.
saturday NIGGGGHHGHGHHGHGHGHHTTTTTTTT, shlooped over to rachels~!!!!!!, cuz it was her birthday!!!!!!, and oh what i a blast. pretty much,,,,,, it was like, PEOPLE RUNNING AROUND OH GOSH JACUZZI AH WHAT BATHING SUIT DONT HAVE ONE?? GUITAR!? bklfghgflgk, yeah. it was fun. a lot.

i have come to the startling conclusion:

woolly mammoths are soooooooo hot.

today i went to the aldrich with my 'rents and phia, cuz i was like a big opening day for new exibihits and stuff and christina told me to go, cuz she works there. i saw christina and alanna there, guarding like this really really cool room completely made of cardboard and paint. there were lots of weird people there, like this asian person who i dont think was either a man or woman, a middle eastern guy who looked so awesome with like a serj tankian goatee and stuff, and really really really old shakily shakester old guys, who were eating grapes and bickering to each other. the exhibits were cool. yup. the end.
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