Aug 19, 2006 18:51
So my life rocks.
my weekend has been awesome so far.
I got my scaffolding pierced & i spent all of friday with duncan and i saw the break up at the cinema.
im sure i would of enjoyed it more if i hadnt needed to pee since like.. the beginning of the fucking movie.
Duncan came home and stayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyedddddddddddddddddd awch ^_^.
I miss him now =(
I want him to stay forever.
Ehm.. Yeah.. i was working today 2-6 which was cool.. im looking forward to tomorrow although its a long day at work.
I took on too many hours of work but hey, its gunna fuckin pay off (H)
And i need the money cuz this months wage was pish.
like £200.
So yeah, horu sim working areee...;
Sun; 9-5.30
Mon; 1.30-5.30
Tue; 1-5.30
Wed; 9-6
Thur; 9-5.45
Sat; 9-6
awesssssssssssome no?
yeppp so im off to munch grub =]