H a p p y n e w y e a r!
Woke up today about 1pm. I really couldn't be botherd with today. Everyone's treating me like shit, so what's the point? I haven't made any new year's resolutions...yet. If I do they are going to be sensible one's that I will actually stick to. I'm sober now thank God. Earlier I drank: 1 'big' bottle of Bacardi and 1 can of stella. All that managed to get me drunk. It obviously doesn't take much. I had Sarah round to help me celebrate new year. Then Jamie and Kurt came round and literally broke everything in their path. Kurt broke a mug which he was using as a ash tray and Jamie nearly burnt the sofa with his fag. Bloody men. I think my mum and dad are angry with me. They came home from the party to find two strange lads sitting in the lounge. Then later finding out they were sleeping over. hehe. Oh well. It's been fun with them round. It would of been better if it was just me and Sarah though. A girly night in. The highlight of the night must of been Jamie walking in the study at 5 in the morning wearing my mother's 'Kat slater look' jacket. He even went through her pockets! Oh, and he also came back in wearing my dad's body warmer.
Silly boy.
I've just had the shit scared out of me. hehe. Sarah was upstairs asleep when suddenly I heard her shout Jamie and some other mummbled words. Then I go out the study and Sarah's stood at the top of the stairs saying there is someone in my room breathing. By this time I'm really freaked out. hehe. Then we check my room. Nothing. We then went downstairs to check if the boy's were in bed, but not realising we were to walk in on Jamie wearing just his boxers....eeewwww. We woke Kurt up hehe.
Anyway that's going to be enough I think. Not much else has happend. Oh, well. Apart from finding out Jamie know's Alex!
Daisy Chain---10/10