Mar 16, 2005 17:54
its raining and thundering and i hate head is killing me and i feel like a train is it possible to have the same haunting dreams everynight, all night....ive got so much shit on my mind that i dont even have anyone to talk bout to....and i cant even say it in words...just shit in my head....
*if we died together would u hold me in heaven?*
shiiiiiit....its all mucky out now....i should be gettin the decals on my car i gotta find a ride to school....
i hope one day i get the will power to actually leave....get away from everythin....actually be by myself....i hope much as i say i want everythin to go away itll be a while for it to happen.....
damn....i need to start writin shit down....cuz whenever i get to talkin on here i dont wanna say anythin....
oh g2g..later