A taste of my project..

May 30, 2009 12:55

so i've decided to go with portraits of people. i might throw in some street stuff.
we'll see
here are just a few i wanted to show.

the first one is prob my favorite photo i've taken so far.

i think i'm going to stick to photographing guys.  idk why..it just kind of happened that way...to be honest, french women are somewhat intimidating.

i have a good amount of straight on portaits..sorry i didn't show more..i don't want to reveal too much!
it's been awesome though..i feel like i'm advancing alot by being here and dealing with the language barrier.
i'm getting to the point where i just don't care if someone says no if i ask to take a photo
i'm not scared to go up to people and talk to them in french
it's amazing.

i'm really excited to see what i can get after 6 weeks here.
it's only been two weeks.
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