Oct 16, 2020 13:33
Been battling a cold for over a week. I was so ill over the weekend that I had a Covid test on Monday, which was negative. I am still not better. I missed the flu shots that were given out on Friday at my office. It is just another layer of fatigue and frustration with this current illness. I am hoping to catch up on some rest this weekend. I was able to get some yardwork done last weekend but the leaves continue to fall. Work is getting busy again. The rest of October and November is going to be busy. It is hard to get ahead without deadlines looming and due to distractions from politics. I am going to vote early on 10/24, which is the earliest opportunity.
I get distracted with thoughts of how the world is going to change in the next 10-20 year. Things are in a different perspective now that I have children. It is amazing how much things have changed in the past 5-10 years. I did not have a smart phone 10 years ago. The world was overall a simpler place. Maybe I have evolved, became more wise, more humble, more tame, more refined, or just more particular. I try to be healthy. I try to limit plastic usage. I think about the Covid masks worn and discarded. Maybe we are driving less, traveling less, etc. but we are still wasteful and destructive. I hope we are not in a situation of rationing and struggling in 15 years. Will there be clean water? Food? Unrest? I hope some changes are for the better. I don't think climate change, covid or similar concerns, are going away. We must adapt and do things for the greater good.