Apr 12, 2017 16:33
Not really doing a good job at keeping up with this
1. I changed the setting on our dryer, and my clothes no longer smell burnt
2. I have been eating salads for lunch pretty much every day at work and snacking healthier
3. I have been going to the gym about 2-4 time per week
4. My parents are giving us a laptop tray table type thing for free
5. Going to go to the wife's parents on Sunday for Easter - good to not cook and relax
6. Knowing that winter is pretty much over - having a back yard to potentially put in a garden. We still have to clean up after the wind storm, and the ground is still somewhat saturated from all the rain. But we can start cleaning up this weekend
7. Have a 1/2 day on Friday - planning on going to opening day of baseball or a bike ride or something outside
8. Health insurance - just filled out the paperwork for work, and it is good that I can potentially see a doctor - have not in 5 years, but good to know I can