Apr 10, 2006 22:03
SO heres the deal.
I fucking hate people today.
I have to go to school everyday for the rest of the year.
I couldnt sleep in my night school classes tonight because substitutes suck balls.
Stupid fucking ex girlfriends like causing shit for me.
*1* is trying to get me to admit to us "hooking up".
I would if I fucking remembered it.
And I hate how *2* only messages me when she is drunk and horny.
Or if *2* wants to tell me how much they love me and want to be with me.
I dunt want to deal with it anymore.
I want to be with my girl.
And I want all other girls to leave me alone.
I am negative in my bank account again.
I have to pay my taxes next week because the tax people hate me and i OWE money.
I have to pay the gym membership money on sunday.
And I dunt have that money either.
The check that I got from work today went straight into my gas tank.
My mum wanted me to stay home tonight and yet she just informed me that she is going to a "late dinner".
And that she wont be home tonight.
Im just so fucking sick of it.
I havent slept in so long.
And it is killing me.
I cant be alive in my 2 classes long enough to figure out what we are doing.
Im BEHIND in writers workshop.
That has NEVER happened before.
I have a writers block?
I didnt even know I could have one of those.
I used to sit down and write for hours.
Now I cant even begin to figure out what to write.
I think I am going to start college in the spring.
That way where ever i end up I can get settled.
And then start.
I just want to sit in a corner curl up and cry.
*Come hold me*