Entry #A-1: "A"

Mar 20, 2011 15:24


it has CoMe tO my attention that I am not in the kanto region of japan. this is inDEEd Troubling. WhaT an Odd welcome They had in stoRe for me... this floating Creature is to be my new companion. i am told that i am expected to breeD MonSters called PoKemon and colleCt InforMation about the RegioN cAlled Johto. it's a mYsterY to me, the mAnner in which I GoT to kAnto, but I aM tolD that I am not Allowed to depaRT.

wE'll put that tO the teSt.

in The meantime, my name is rue ryuzaki. i'm a student at to-oh university in jaPan, and I sEem tO have misplaCed my traveling compaNion and Uncle. i'm Desperately concerned for him, so any aId in locating him would be greatly appreciated. Please aNd thank-yOu in adVance. i don't eS/Timate tH/At the OddS are ParTicularly high, but oN thE oFf-chance that he's present and W/ANTs To locAte Me, peRhaps the Good people of this cIty and the ones surrounding it would be kind enough to pass my name on to him, should he Inquire after my whereabouts.



[This seems to be unintentional, judging by the fact that the person on the other end of this pokegear is addressing not the network, but his pokemon. He sounds like a young man, speaking with a smooth, pedantic baritone, with clipped and precise inflections.]

I certainly hope this isn't permanent. I rather like having sensation in my arm, as well as mobility.


Please. Perhaps we can work out an agreement. Quit that appalling behavior, and I will do something for you.

"Gastly. Gastly."

I am afraid that we have reached an impasse. Do you understand me?


That's what you are, right? 'Gastly?' Am I to address you as such?

[A brief silence.]

Fine. So you don't like it.


...Do you want a name?

"Gastly! Gastly!"

Fine. Ah... all right. "Slightly." Because you were annoying me a great deal before, but now, only... Slightly.



[The pokegear appears to be levitating, one of a Gastly's fangs pressing down on the video button. In the corner of the screen, it's possible to see a tired-looking young man with plain clothes and somewhat wild hair staring up at his floating pokegear, and the Pokemon holding it, with wide, dark eyes. One of his lanky arms appears to hang limply at his side.]

odd letters, code, heather mason, gastly, killua zoldyck, gastly used lick, breaking in the pokegear, slightly, belphegor of sloth, doc scratch, l lawliet

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