Feb 17, 2006 16:05
St. Valentine's Day (yes, it is a saint's day, look at your calender. Why do so many people have sex to celebrate a religious holiday?) is finally over, but there is no rest for the wicked yet. The cash that has been piling up from is lubricating the move. Monday, I have a day of and am going to a cook-out (hosted by an amazing chef. DO NOT miss cookouts hosted by people who do it for a living. Anyone want to go, call me, and bring food or booze. All day eating and drinking)
If you've been watching ME TV (the network that replaced Austin Music Network) you may have seen the Cafe Caprice featured on the dining and music show. And seen me on there... giving people food. Sigh.
I was going to bitch about friends not staying in touch, but just got a call from T-bomb, so there. Plus, I have no right to bitch about that.
Tammy and I are good, except we're getting close to the monthly breakup time. Let's see if we can't avoid that this go-around.
More, but gotta catch my bus back to work. don't wan't to go, so sleepy and tired, but must press on.
Once more into the breech, my friends.
More later