The Conspiracy For Dawn

Dec 23, 2008 12:06

Re-posting this for the holiday week. Thanks to all of you who have already given, we're already up to 1/3rd of the projected amount needed.

We would like to invite everyone local to Champaign-Urbana to come to our house on Sunday, December 28th at noon, where we're going to have bagels and doughnuts, and give Dawn what we've raised so far as a birthday present. We couldn't have done this without all of you, and you have our deepest gratitude.

We're at 1506 Winston Drive in Champaign. Easiest directions are to go north on Mattis, turn right on Williamsburg, and then left on Winston. We'll be the house with the garage underneath. If you want to attend, please RSVP on this note, or via email to

I'm making this post today to help do my part to make a dream come true for my wife, the love of my life and mother of my son.

Dawn has suffered her entire life under a burden of pain and ill health stemming from weak teeth and the complications following from that. As long as I have known her, she has always had to hide her smile, choose carefully what she may or may not eat, and spend the occasional night in such pain that she cries herself to sleep. This ailment dramatically increases her stress and blood pressure, and at times affects her general health as her body tries to deal with infection and inflammation.

Our dearest kin, Thai, has spearheaded an effort to raise money so that we can afford the treatment needed to stabilize Dawn's health, but it is a long uphill climb. We have already received an amazing outpouring of love from word-of-mouth, and now we hope to reach a broader group of people who would like to help touch someone's life for the better.

Dawn would never let herself ask for aid, no matter how badly it might be needed. I also personally am a lot more likely to give than to ask, but I am asking on behalf of someone who truly deserves the help. We're attempting to keep this a secret until we can raise the needed funds, but balancing that with reaching as wide as we can.

If you feel able, please follow the donation link below and give what you may. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and please keep Dawn in your thoughts and prayers. If you are a member of a community that might be willing to help, please email me at, and I can send you the information. This post is locked to a specific friends list to keep Dawn unaware.

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