Oct 21, 2008 09:17
quick update: my work is slowly purging people. not as dire as Art's sitch, and good luck to you, sir, but still a lil stressful.
did a bumload of yardwork sunday, including the gutters, and got the nursery started. there's a bit to go.
ive been playing dead space here and there. its really well done. and i got my first emperor win on civ last night.
tonight im bringing fable II home for Mel, and then i'll be retiring to my office. just havent had the juice lately to get anything going on the page. hope i can turn that around tonight. i'll be at write club no matter what this Wed, as i've been the stumbling block for the past few weeks.
after watching heroes reluctantly, i say eff it, surely i can write something better than that.
seems like we're all in one of those places again. pushing against the encroaching wave of entropy. keep pushin.