Aug 27, 2009 21:24
I just need to whine a little.
So, here's my official list of issues. Ehler Danlos type III (hypermobility) with fibromyalgia, chronic common migraines, atypical bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and mild obsessive compulsive disorder. Comes complete with chronic fatigue due to non-REM sleep, moderate to severe osteoarthritis in my feet, ankles, knees, hips, spine and hands, and panic attacks. Whee!
So, I mentioned a little over a week ago that I’m technically allergic to my fentanyl patch, ‘cause I’m big time allergic to morphine, and that the itchies had been worse lately? My pain mgmt docs warned me that I might start having allergic breakthroughs, and if it happened, they would try and medicate me with something that would keep the allergic reactions in check while allowing me to maintain my fentanyl. Woke up yesterday and my right hip was super itchy. Hubby noticed me itching, and I asked him to look at my hip. Entire hip, up my back to my shoulder, and spreading past my spine to the other side I have broken out into large overlapping hives. So - took a benadryl yesterday every 4 hours. Last night before bed hubby asked how I felt, and I said it felt like the hives were there, but not as bad. He looked, and said they had greatly subsided, and looked like they were just under the skin, and in check. Woke up this morning. Hives are back, just as bad, and in a larger area over my back. Don’t want to take a benadryl, ‘cause I have to call the docs first thing when they open, and I want them to see the hives in their full glory. Sigh. I have to work at 1 today, ‘cause I had to switch my schedule around due to my getting my next set of facet injections on Wednesday. If I can’t get these hives under control without Benadryl, I can’t work, ‘cause it makes me really sleepy and scared to drive. I really don’t want to stop the fentanyl, it helps me so much.
On top of everything, my mom asked me to stop my and have Jeff help her move things around at her storage unit. I was helping, when I noticed my forearms getting pink, and told her I had to get out of the sun. After just 15 minutes, possibly less, in the sun, I now have two bright (and I mean BRIGHT!) pink arms, a pink triangle on my chest, and a pink face. I’ve been slathering with aloe and using my bactine spray to keep the pain down.
Okay life, I’ve had enough. Really, I’ll be good now, I promise. Can you stop please????
So, Monday they took me off the fentanyl. I've been going through withdrawal, not too bad, but still. I sat and bawled my eyes out twice today, because the pain is just so miserable. I don't believe how much it helped. Still on the benadryl. Missed work Monday and Tuesday due to the allergy attack, had my facet injections yesterday on Wednesday, still in pain today. Go to the pain mgmt doc's at 12:45 tomorrow, then to work for a 5 hour shift. Jeff and I both believe that I'm pretty much done with working. If I can last another week or two at the pain levels that I'm at, it will be a major event.
Sigh. I hate this. I hate whining.