so much coffeee . . .can't stop shaking or peeing!

Mar 17, 2008 00:00

I really really like my environmental justice exco. I have so much trouble grasping science- I can't memorize the facts. History and language fit easily into my head because of the human connection- and env. justice is bridging the gap between science and humanity. I was so into the selection from Endgame we read, particularly the premises, some of the substantiation was a bit problematic. Kyla's really into it too and so is Yujean Park. I wonder if being from a punk rock background sets us up to accept more idealistic, extreme approaches to social change. Maybe I'm completely off base, but (to use a loose and not so well thought out analogy) earth liberation groups are to activism what stagediving is to live music, right? I just have a very emotional response to things, and I think it comes with having the soul of a poet (not poetry in the sense of versed writing- I never was and probably never will be good at that manner of expression- but the poetry Max taught me- poetry as a life philosophy).

I might love my manner of disagreeing with Shannon Ikebe more than I love Shannon Ikebe. And that's quite a lot.

I got my bike fixed today and took a bike ride instead of doing my homework. The weather was beautiful and it was so liberating. Life>Responsibility sometimes.

I hope you will forgive me for this vision quest. I also hope you will find your own vision quest. And then someday, when we have grown and learned, perhaps we can return to a land of eggs, coffee and carambola, free from peppers and pineapples (typical Dea right, always talking about food!)

I want to write a novel. I'm pretty sure I'd be an utter failure at it, though. I like nonfiction because I'm terrible at endings or seeing fiction through- and with nonfiction the end is right there for me, it's just a matter of how to use the facts or feelings. Maybe I'll write a novel for myself and bind it and have the one and only copy on my bookshelf at home. A while ago, Jeff and I were talking about starting a low key writer's workshop on the weekends and Kevin (and Stephen?) are into it. Could be awesome.

Home next week. I think I might be going to Philly. This is a city that, despite traveling to for shows and social justice work, has remained largely unexplored by me. I think it's a really charming place, and I'm excited. Hopefully my travel partner is still game. Yay Greyhounds! Greyhounds make me feel romantic and adventurous. Who would've thunk?

Oh! I forgot to talk about Harkness. When you think of Oberlin stereotypes, you are actually thinking of Harkness, a co-op on campus. Co-opers get one dining hall meal per week, and about a quarter of Harkness decided to do performance art (playing into Oberlin's stereotypes of Harkness?). They were dressed in animal costumes and hippie gear and having picnics on the floor. It was amazing and hilarious- made even more so by the general college's failure to get the joke. Some people appreciated it though. I overheard two non-student cafeteria workers saying "This is amazing! It's better than Vegas!" One of them was taking pictures, and asked me "Isn't this awesome?"
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