I'm not sure if this is healthy behavior tbh

Jun 28, 2011 03:34

I'm so excited about Adele's concert it's not even funny anymore. I've pretty much reached the ultimate status of fangirl-ism that I think I just might lose it and burst into tears when I see her come onto the stage (heck I feel like crying just from watching the clips of other concerts on youtube). I have never wanted to cry over an artist, ever. I think I kind of get how some fans feel now.

I was actually somewhat relieved and, dare I say, happy when Adele announced that she had to cancel due to illness. I had discovered her really late and before I knew it, my wanting to see her live became something I yearned for, but tickets had long been sold out back in March. I was a bit angry with myself for not liking her earlier, but hey, the opportunity presented itself again and I'm not going to miss it this time around. Believe it or not, I actually didn't like her much when I first heard Chasing Pavements two years ago. My, how I've changed.
Anyway, Adele is actually going to be the very first official concert I've ever been to! I'm glad she'll be my first concert experience <3 I'm a little sad that I have to go alone, but my friends either have to work or they don't like her as much as I do. I don't really mind going alone though, at least I can enjoy myself and have fun, plus I won't get teased relentlessly when I come out of the concert sobbing like something died lol. Still, it does suck to travel to another city alone.

In other news, I got a job! I'm pretty happy that I was able to score a job not too long after graduating, considering the economical status right now. It's a part time job at my university bookstore but I gotta start somewhere, right? Hopefully either a full time or another part time job will come along soon, because I cannot pay my bills with just that one job.

concerts, out of control, is this normal human behavior?, first time experience, i can't, i need to seek help, rl, seriously, unhealthy obsession, flailfest, scream in your ear, adele, aksjkajskajskajs, i don't know what my emotions are doing, i think i might be convulsing, there's a first time for everything, i'm going to be an emotional wreck, job

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