I'm finally coming back to LJ. I figured I've been away for way too long, people are forgetting who I am and are deleting me from their flist. I don't blame them though. I actually want to write stuff about my life here, but I always tend to write really obscure entries that make no sense unless you're like, a irl friend of mine (and most of the time even they don't get it.) Then again, everyone is talking about their lives here on LJ, it's what it's for. So I guess..... Why don't I do the same?
Lemme see. This week has been okay for me. Not perfect, not bad. Just average. I had a Philosophy exam yesterday that I thought I did pretty well on. I mean, reconstructing arguments are so mind-fucking but so fun, because there's no one right answer. As long as you can state your argument, valid or not, it's still an argument. Plus my professor is this really awesome dude that just graduated from Duke like, two years ago. He's pretty loose on his grading and stuff, plus he actually makes philosophy fun, not all SRS BIZNESS HURR.
I had missed a couple of my Art History classes, which obviously affected my exam today, since going to class pretty much guarantees you an okay grade. I've been feeling oddly tired last month, and I guess, I had to pay a price for not choosing to finish homework earlier in the evening, eh? But I did fairly well on my last exam, and I won't be missing any more classes, so I'll make up for the fuck up here.
Now allow me to rant about my Design teacher. Like many general requirement classes, they are taught by TA's. Anyway, I had her for my drawing class fall semester this year, and I seriously think she has something against me. Because honestly, how can you destroy someones self esteem on BEGINNERS drawing? She practically made me feel like shit last semester because no matter how hard I tried, or how much time I spent on my work, she downgrades it every.single.fucking.time. I figured she just hated my drawings, and I was fine with that, because after all, I ain't good at drawing anyway. But DESIGN? GRAPHIC DESIGN? The area where I've been having experience for over 4 years ever since high school? SOMETHING SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DO? UH I DON"T THINK SO. ie. for my most recent project, which was due yesterday, I made a video. People in my class clapped after they watched it, and they kept on telling me how good it was. I was really relieved to know that people liked it, since I spent a lot of time working on it. But while I was still presenting my project, she cut me off and told me that we had to move on because other people need to present too. WTF, I was like, 5 minutes into my fucking presentation out of the 10 I was given. And the 10 minutes was the MINIMUM presentation time. HELLO, I could go up to 20 minutes, but I didn't because people would definitely get bored. A classmate of mine made a video where she played the piano and did some really cute editing, and I agree, it was good, but the TA's response was completely different. I mean, I don't expect her to LOVE my work or anything, but goddamn it woman, where the fuck is your professionalism?
Go learn how to use After Effects/3D Studio Pro/Photoshop before you start judging me, racist bitch.
Anyway, lol, that's my update. How about you flist?