You thought I was weird. Now you’ll know it.

Feb 08, 2007 09:13

I realize I’m the last one on the planet to do this, but it’s been a crazy week around here. I was tagged by
nic_owens   (check out her fun blog) to do the five things meme, so here is my lame attempt to make myself seem more interesting than I actually am.

When I was eight, I taught myself how to juggle. I was at my grandmother’s house and saw some guy do it on TV. I noticed there was a pattern and was determined to figure it out. I sat there for hours with my three blue racquetballs until I could do it with ease. I’m still waiting for the day when the purpose for this skill presents itself. I imagine distracting bank robbers till the cops get there, but we'll see.

I can fake sneeze like nobody’s business. I had to sneeze during a play in the fifth grade and, being the method actor that I am ::snicker::, practiced until I got it right. After the play, all the kids were so impressed that I practiced even more. (Isn’t this such a sad commentary on my childhood? Coupled with the juggling thing? Oh my.) Anyway, if we ever meet, just ask and I’ll faux-CHOO! for you.

I was a testimonial in a Crest mouthwash commercial. It started running in 2005 and just ended this past November. Actually, just a couple days ago the ad agency called to say that Crest was considering running the spot again. They had to call to ask if I’d done any commercials for the competition. (Bahahaha!) I was like, “Well, they have been beating down my door. . .”  The girl giggled and said she’d let me know. I’ve been meaning to blog about the whole thing but I never have. Have you seen it on cable? I'm the dorky one who laughs too much.

My father-in-law, Jim O’Toole, pitched for the Cincinnati Reds in the 1961 World Series. He played with the Reds from 1958 to 1966 and with the Chicago White Sox in 1967. Needless to say, baseball in general and Opening Day in particular is a huge deal in our family. Along with Jim, a lot of the grand kids participate in the Opening Day parade and then it’s an all day, all night affair. A total blast!

Ain't he cute? He's a real sweetheart, too.

I used Hypnobirthing during my fourth delivery. Yes, it sounds very hippy-dippy-hocusy-pocusy but it's not really, and it worked! It’s actually just a method for relaxation that lets your body do its thing without you getting in the way. You are totally conscious and aware, just very relaxed. Incidentally, this is what I'm always trying to do with my writing. Get out of the way and let the natural magic happen. I think that’s what attracted me to this method in the first place.

So are you still going to be my friend now that you know how strange I am? Please say yes. Or any other one word response, because I really liked that meme too. Hee.
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