A minha vida é estúpida, disse eu.
Porquê? Para além do óbvio..., responderam-me.
Porque não há mais nada para além do óbvio.
"Her first expression was one of tension, which was not beauty. Just as anxiety dispersed the strenght of the body, it also gave to the face a wavering, tremulous vagueness, which was not beauty, like that of a drawing out of focus. (...) She was like an actress who must compose a face, an attitude to meet the day. The eyebrow pencil was no more charcoal emphasis on blonde eyebrows, but a design necessary to balance a chaotic assymmetry. (...) She must redesign the face, smooth the anxious brows, separate the crushed eyelashes, wash off the traces of secret interior tears, accentuate the mouth as upon a canvas, so it will hold its luxuriant smile. Inner chaos, like those secret volcanoes which suddenly lift the neat furrows of a peacefully ploughed field, awaited behind all disorders of face, hair and costume, for a fissure through which to explode."
Anais Nïn, A Spy in the House of Love
Entretanto, e entre livros, fui fazer um teste de aptidão a um Instituto de Línguas para recomeçar com o alemão. Pois sim, só tenho uma turma para as quintas-feiras, das 20h às 22h. Isto são horas para ter aulas?