Sadly, her train was delayed for nearly an hour due to a possible fire in one of the carriages and the train rerouted via Hilversum instead of taking the direct way from Utrecht to Amsterdam due to a failure of points and signals, but in the end she did arrive in Alkmaar and so me,
cy-v and
hecubah could cuddle again. I made dinner, consisting of mashed potatoes, a salad with iceberg lettuce, croutons and cheese and very good, organic beef steak.
Just after we finished dinner around 9 pm, Thomas,
cy-v's best friend dropped by, and the drinks started coming. Absinthe with energydrink seemed to do best, followed by Absinthe with other non-alcoholic beverages, wodka and Christmas in Danzig, which is a cocktail served in a Berlin karaoke bar we visited shortly after the turn of the year, consisting of mainly (preferably unfiltered) apple juice, a nice splash of (Polish) wodka, a squeeze of lemon juice and topped off with cinnamon, served in a longdrink with a straw.
We watched the hilarious
Black Sheep, started with
Gremlins 2, but then turned to the great Javier Guzman's Delirium cabaret show, when one of us, sadly, got sick and went to bed. We had quite a few laughs though, and it felt so good to have
hecubah sitting at my feet while watching.
Yeah, this is one of those nights I wouldn't mind repeating - except for the getting-sick part perhaps.