Hi. Long time no journal because there hasn't been time lately. Many
things have changed since the last update. Fremm Fest is surfacing we
even have our own myspace. How convenient. This week is prom for some
of us. I think it should be pretty fun. Anastasia said she wouldn't
read this if it wasn't funny so here's a little joke: What did one
typewriter say to the other? You're not my type. I read that in a joke
book at the orthodontist today. Jesse took of his braces because he
doesnt want to be a college student with braces. He's going to
Pittsburg soon. It will be odd w/o him around. I got a Nikon D-70 from
my mom even though i'm not really into photography. Now I am just
because I have a beast of a camera. I shot a short film today which was
written by someone else and it went pretty well thanks to amy and alex
(kevan helped too). It's about this red balloon that this boy finds and
then he can't go to school and such and the balloon dies and all these
other balloons come to help his sorry ass (i'm kidding). But it does
involve a balloon. I've felt so selfish these last few days. I realize
when you care about others you don't have the time to complain about
yourself. Anyways. Peace and Love and
I'll give it a real artistic title like leisure.
that means PA which stands for PENNSYLVANIA where PITTSBURG is
let the beat control your body
I forgot what day this was on but one of those usual weekend days
good friends, good food, good times
air aqua
candid shot
alex at albertsons
tunnel in santa monica
same tunnel
a wreck
we visited the Fob Clothing wherehouse
the screen team
bye bye